Housesitting auf Radreise: Wie wir durch Haustiere und Gastfreundschaft neue Orte entdeckt haben - Zwei auf Rad 🌍

Housesitting while travelling by bike: How we discovered new places through pets and hospitality

As a two-wheeler, we are travelling in pairs on our expedition bikes and exploring the world. We usually sleep in tents and have limited access to electricity and internet, which presents us with a few challenges. Especially in the cold months, we were looking for a way to stay overnight in a cheap and comfortable place while having enough electricity and fast internet to work on our YouTube videos and advance our projects. We came across housesitting, an interesting way to stay in a cosy home for a while and take care of animals and the flat - an ideal solution for digital nomads or bike travellers looking for a cost-effective and productive travel experience. But how exactly does housesitting work and what should you bear in mind?

But what is housesitting anyway?

Housesitting is actually a pretty brilliant thing: you get the opportunity to live in a private home - completely free of charge! In return, you look after the house and usually also the pets. You feed the animals, water the plants or take care of the post while the owners are away.

The whole thing works very simply: you register on a platform like TrustedHousesitters, look at the offers and apply for the ones that suit you. If everything fits from the pet owner's point of view, a video call usually follows. In this conversation, you get to know each other and discuss all the important details about the house, the animals and your tasks. The pet owner often has several applicants in the pipeline and only makes a final decision after the video call.

But you can find housesitting not only on large platforms. Housesitting offers are also often shared in WhatsApp groups, Facebook or Instagram groups. Here you may find spontaneous and less formal opportunities that also offer you great opportunities to live for free and discover new places.

How can I find housesitting offers?

There are various ways to find housesitting services, and each has its own advantages. One of the best-known platforms is TrustedHousesitters. Here you can find numerous offers from all over the world. The basic package costs €139 per year, but you can save 25% with our discount code (just click here register) . On the platform, you can apply for various housesitting jobs where you look after the home and often also the pets.

Outside of the platforms, there are also free alternatives, for example WhatsApp or Facebook groups. Here you can search for housesitting offers without paying a fee, but the groups are often less structured and you may not find as many international offers.

It doesn't matter whether you find a housesitting offer via a platform or on social networks: You will have to provide your own food and all other personal expenses such as household items. This means you live for free, but you have to provide your own food, drink and everything else you need for the household. And of course you also have to pay for activities in the neighbourhood yourself.

What qualifications or experience should I have as a house sitter?

As a house sitter, there are a few important things that can help you get off to a good start: Firstly, you should be reliable and responsible because you will be looking after the home and often pets too. Experience in handling animals is helpful, but above all patience is required. Many animals need some time to get used to new people - so be patient and empathetic.

Good manners and a reliable demeanour are also important. Pet owners want someone they can trust with their home and this is often evident from your behaviour. Reviews from other housesitters are also a plus because they show pet owners that you are trustworthy.

Flexibility is also required because you have to adapt to the pet owners' travel dates. They decide when they are away and there is little you can do about it. And of course you shouldn't have any allergies to the animals you want to look after.

In short: reliability, patience, good manners, flexibility and maybe a few reviews from other house sitters make you an ideal house sitter.

How do I successfully apply for housesitting jobs?

The first step to landing a housesitting job is a convincing profile. Especially on platforms like TrustedHousesitters, where you have to assert yourself against other applicants, a good profile makes all the difference.

Register and create a profile

Register with TrustedHousesitters first and choose a package - the Basic package costs €139 per year. Save 25% with our discount code. Then it's time to create your profile. You should really make an effort here, because your profile is your figurehead.

  • Inviting profile picture: Show yourself in a friendly manner and preferably with an animal - this creates trust.
  • Authentic text: Tell us who you are, why you want to do house sitting and what makes you special.
  • Specify reference: A reference is necessary to finalise your profile. It can come from anyone who can confirm that you are reliable and can look after a house or animals well. Think about whether you have ever looked after a house, looked after an animal or taken on a similar responsibility - and who could confirm this. The reference should be chosen wisely as it is often the first thing pet owners look at.
Apply successfully

Once your profile is ready, you can apply for jobs. Here are a few tips to help you stand out:

  • Read the advert carefully: Take the time to read the advert thoroughly. Mention details from the advert in your application that show you have paid attention. It is best to write the name of the pet directly in your application - this makes it personal and shows that you have really looked into the job.
  • Stay relaxed: Write your application in a simple and relaxed way. Show that you love animals and are reliable without being too formal. Pet owners want someone who is a good match for their pets - not a stiff application.
  • Personal cover letter: Avoid standard texts! Write individually why the sit appeals to you and why you are suitable.
  • Mention your plans: It is often helpful if you briefly mention what you plan to do while you are there - for example, explore the sights, go hiking or work in the area. This shows that you see your stay as a balance between responsibility and free time.
Stay flexible

Housesitting requires flexibility - and you should also show this in your application:

  • The travel dates are set by the pet owner and you will be guided by them.
  • Plan for the fact that many owners expect you to arrive 1-2 days before their departure. This allows you to get to know the animals and the procedures, and the owners have the opportunity to observe you interacting directly with the animals.
Tips for a strong application
  • Emphasise reliability: Ensure that you will look after the house and animals conscientiously.
  • Emphasise experience: Good reviews from previous sits are a big plus.
  • Show love for animals: Pets sometimes need time to get used to new people. Show that you are patient and give them this time.
After the application

If you are in the selection process, there will be a video call where you can get to know each other better. Be prepared to appear friendly, relaxed and well-informed. After this, the owner usually has a short period of reflection before making a final decision. With a well-thought-out profile, patience and flexibility, there is a good chance that you will be accepted!

What tasks can I typically expect when house sitting?

Housesitting is more than just a free stay - you take on responsibility! Most of the time you'll be looking after pets: feeding, walking, playing and simply keeping them company. Some animals need time to get used to you, so be patient.

Then there's looking after the plants - especially in the hot summer months - and keeping an eye on the house. This means bringing in the post, keeping an eye on everything and sometimes doing small jobs like taking out the rubbish.

The tasks are clearly described in the adverts, so read them carefully and ask if anything is unclear when you meet them!

How do I prepare for a house-sitting assignment?

Good preparation is the key to a smooth housesit. Here are a few tips to help you keep everything under control:

Clarify important questions:

Ask the homeowner:

  • What is the daily routine of the animals? Are there special feeding or medication times?
  • Where can I find food, medication, linen or other utensils?
  • Are there any special features in the house (e.g. alarm system, key codes, sensitive areas)?
  • Are there other animals in the neighbourhood with which the pet could have conflicts?
  • When exactly will the homeowner return and how will the handover be organised?
  • Are there emergency numbers? For example, that of a vet or neighbour.
  • Are there trackers or other safety precautions in case the animal runs away?
Arrive early

Many pet owners expect you to come 1-2 days in advance. This gives you time to get to know the animals and the house, and they can show you how everything works.

Take notes

Write down important information - from feeding times to the animals' peculiarities and contact numbers. It helps to have everything to hand in case something unforeseen happens.

Stay flexible

Allow sufficient buffer time in case the owner's return is delayed. This also makes it easier to deal with unexpected changes on site.

With these tips, you'll be well prepared and can start your house-sitting job relaxed.

Is housesitting also suitable for beginners?

Yes, absolutely! We were complete beginners ourselves when we took on our first house-sitting job in Portugal. Initially, we had no idea how everything would go, but we quickly grew into our tasks. With an open attitude, patience and good preparation, it's much easier to get started than you might think.

If you are new, you can still impress by creating a convincing profile and adding a reference. This doesn't necessarily have to be from a previous house-sitting job - it can also come from someone who trusts you to look after a house or pet reliably.

Housesitting is a great opportunity to take on responsibility and gain new experiences. And don't worry, most pet owners are understanding and will help you with any questions you may have - especially if it's your first time housesitting!

How do I combine housesitting with travelling?

Housesitting and travelling can be wonderfully combined - we have experienced this ourselves! As cycle travellers, we drew up a list with which we could calculate whether we would get to a particular housesit on time. We took our break days and average kilometres per day into account. This planning not only gave us peace of mind, but also helped us to continue cycling to the housesit at our own pace.

A housesit was also a great opportunity for us to break away from the daily routine of travelling by bike. During the fixed stays, we had the peace and quiet to concentrate on our tasks and work intensively on our laptops at the same time. This time allowed us to be productive and move projects forward without being constantly on the move.

We were able to explore the surrounding area on foot or by public transport, which opened up a whole new perspective on the region. We particularly enjoyed the fact that we were able to experience the life of the locals up close - something that was often only possible to a limited extent with our touring bikes.

Another advantage: while we often explore sights separately on our bikes (one stays with the bikes, the other looks around), we were able to enjoy such experiences together without a guilty conscience when house-sitting.

By the way: Housesitting is not only a great option for cyclists, but also for normal holidaymakers travelling by plane, train or car. It is flexible and can be adapted to any type of journey.

Our conclusion: Housesitting offers a perfect balance between travelling, working and exploring. With a little planning and flexibility, you can ideally integrate this special combination into your trip!

Our own housesitting experiences

We have had two housesits so far, both of which have given us unforgettable experiences: one with a young dog and one with a shy cat. Both assignments allowed us to get to know the respective region in a special way.

We explored the Portuguese mountains with the young dog, spent a lot of time outdoors and were even able to see an impressive waterfall. The housesit with the cat took us to the neighbourhood of Lisbon, a well-known surfing hotspot, where we were able to enjoy the local life and the relaxed atmosphere to the full.

Both had their appeal, but we realised that a cat usually requires less attention than a dog. As a result, we were more flexible in planning our own activities when housesitting with the cat. Nevertheless, we grew fond of both the dog and the cat and spent wonderful hours with them. Sometimes it almost felt as if they were our own pets.

We took the dog for a walk, played with him and looked after his meals. The cat also got food, we played with it and had lots of relaxed cuddles. Both animals quickly established a routine in our everyday life, which was a pleasant change for us as cyclists.

We also particularly appreciated the time to work during the housesits. We also took the opportunity to cook and bake more elaborately - something that is often difficult to do on our cycle tour. We baked cakes, made pancakes and pancakes and prepared delicious casseroles. These little things made our time at the Housesit even more valuable.

Our experiences have shown us how versatile and enriching housesitting can be, whether it's spending time with the animals, getting creative in the kitchen or exploring the neighbourhood in a whole new way!

For us, housesitting is not only a practical way to save money when travelling, but also a valuable experience that allows us to immerse ourselves in local life and experience unforgettable moments with adorable animals. If you fancy trying it out for yourself, you can use our discount code at TrustedHousesitters save 25 % on membership and look forward to your own housesitting adventures!

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